Sunday 16 June 2013

We have been extending our sentences. We began with....... Joe broke his toe. Have a read of Matthew's extended version. Joe was in a mood, a bad mood. He slouched down the hall into his room where he threw his teddy across the room. It hit the ground with a dull thud. He sighed, he got up and kicked the wall. Then he fell over clutching his foot in agony. He learnt never to do it again.


  1. Bonjourno Room 17! Wow Matthew, you have used lots of interesting words. Great job! It gives readers a good picture in their heads. How did you think of all of those good describing words? Have a happy day and live smart, from Room 20. (PS we are learning to write effective comments on blogs)

  2. Hi room 17

    good describing Matthew how did you learn how to do good story's

    from Amy room 20

  3. wow!!! (;

  4. remember down the back of the chair!!!!?
